Our Services

Hospital to Home

Easing the recovery after an operation or prolonged stay in hospital could be tough so helping to reduce the risk of repeat injury and re-admission Familiarity and regular routines are key to reducing distress, so receiving consistent support from specially trained caregivers in the familiar home environment is ideal wherever possible.

After a stay in hospital we can make the transition back home as easy as possible. Offering these services can encourage people to come out of hospital sooner in the knowledge that they have personal and practical support available and can reduce the risk of repeat injury and re-admission.

We can support you or our loved one with:
•  Supervision of discharge arrangements
•  Transportation home
• Food shopping
•  Managed live-in care if required
•  Help with washing, dressing and personal care
•  Medication support
• Physical assistance and support to move safely around the home
•  Light housekeeping
•  Pet care
•  Accompaniment to appointments
•  Re-assessment of needs